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Beta Tests

New products and features will periodically be available for testing here before becoming generally available. If you have any feedback, tell us using the form below.

New products and features will periodically be available for testing here before becoming generally available. If you have any feedback, tell us using the form below.



In the popup at the bottom-right of the screen is a beta version of our Sales Automation Machine, SAM.

This version is loaded with an information pack about TVAI itself for testing.

We are working on two layers:

Generalised sales layer: Making the bot as good as possible in as wide as possible a set of sales situations.

Specialisation layer: Making the bot better at adapting to specific circumstances, taking on custom personae, and dealing with company-specific background information.

LiSa is currently in closed alpha.

The acronym stands for “Lead Identification and Sales Automation”.

Lead Identification works from a database of every registered company in the UK. For any given product or service, it can classify every company that is likely to buy the product or service, in descending order of buying intent. It will also identify every publicly-listed contact point, such as email, phone and socal media.

The user can then pass these leads on to the Sales Automation Module, after an optional stage of excluding any leads they want to contact themselves.

Sales Automation is based on SAM, which is in development concurrently.


In the popup at the bottom-right of the screen is a beta version of our Sales Automation Machine, SAM.

This version is loaded with an information pack about TVAI itself for testing.

We are working on two layers:

Generalised sales layer: Making the bot as good as possible in as wide as possible a set of sales situations.

Specialisation layer: Making the bot better at adapting to specific circumstances, taking on custom personae, and dealing with company-specific background information.


LiSa is currently in closed alpha.

The acronym stands for “Lead Identification and Sales Automation”.

Lead Identification works from a database of every registered company in the UK. For any given product or service, it can classify every company that is likely to buy the product or service, in descending order of buying intent. It will also identify every publicly-listed contact point, such as email, phone and socal media.

The user can then pass these leads on to the Sales Automation Module, after an optional stage of excluding any leads they want to contact themselves.

Sales Automation is based on SAM, which is in development concurrently.