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Enhance and Simplify Your Business with GPTs from Tees Valley AI

Efficient business management hinges on four essential pillars:

  1. Excellence in delivering your product or service.
  2. Securing the necessary finance, skills, and knowledge for operation.
  3. Compliance with legal, health, and safety regulations.
  4. Effective sales and marketing to broadcast your offerings.

Tees Valley AI is here to bolster your delivery capabilities and streamline the burdens of compliance and marketing. Our suite of GPT tools is designed to demystify regulatory adherence and amplify your marketing efforts, all in one stroke.

To access these transformative tools, a ChatGPT+ subscription is required, ensuring you have the full power of AI at your disposal. This prerequisite unlocks the potential to automate crucial aspects of your business, from ensuring legal compliance to enhancing your marketing outreach.

Embrace the future of business with Tees Valley AI’s GPT solutions. Start today to redefine how you manage compliance and marketing, making your operations more efficient and your message louder.

Lead Scout

Your Premier Lead Generation Partner

Lead Scout stands at the forefront of lead generation, transforming the way you identify potential customers for your business. The process begins with a detailed description of your ideal customer profile. While you’re welcome to craft this profile on your own, our Customer Profiler tool can assist you in creating a precise and effective description.

Once your ideal customer type is defined, Lead Scout springs into action, generating a curated list of companies most likely to be interested in your products or services. This innovative tool taps into a rich database to connect you with potential leads that match your specified criteria.

To enhance your lead generation process further, Lead Scout offers intuitive command options:

  • “More”: Prompting the system with “More” yields an additional 20 leads, with no limit on the number of times you can request more insights.
  • “Search”: This command extends the hunt beyond our training data, scouting the web for emerging or smaller companies that could be valuable leads.
  • “Explain [company name]”: Gain insights into why a particular company is considered a good lead, including a brief overview of their business.
  • “Pitch [company name]”: Lead Scout crafts a personalized pitch tailored for the selected company, ready to be used in cold emails, LinkedIn messages, or other outreach methods.

Elevate your lead generation strategy with Lead Scout, and turn the task of finding new business opportunities from daunting to effortless.

Customer Profiler

Further Streamlining Your Lead Generation

Simplify your lead generation process with Customer Profiler, the perfect companion to Lead Scout. Start by entering a web address, and Customer Profiler will craft a precise prompt to identify your ideal customers. Beyond just generating prompts, engage in an interactive dialogue with Customer Profiler to refine your search criteria. Whether you’re targeting local businesses, larger corporations, or companies aligned with your values, Customer Profiler adapts to your needs.

Create unlimited prompts and select the ones that resonate most. Then, seamlessly integrate these prompts into Lead Scout to uncover a tailored list of companies ready for your outreach. With Customer Profiler, transforming web inputs into actionable lead generation strategies has never been easier.

Health and Safety Advisor

Your Compliance Partner

Navigating the complex landscape of UK Health and Safety regulations is a mandatory, yet often burdensome, task for businesses. The Health and Safety Advisor GPT is designed to alleviate this challenge by offering immediate, cost-free guidance on compliance matters. This tool provides clear insights into permissible practices and restrictions, ensuring your business operates within the legal framework efficiently.

Integrating seamlessly with the Risk Assessment Generator, the Health and Safety Advisor enhances your compliance strategy, making the process more manageable and less time-consuming. Originally developed for Dawn AI, this GPT exemplifies our commitment to creating tailored solutions that meet specific client needs.

Dawn AI also offers a complimentary WhatsApp bot, extending their commitment to accessible health and safety guidance. For instant access to this resource, click here. With the Health and Safety Advisor, ensuring compliance has never been more straightforward.

Risk Assessment Generator

Further Streamlining Compliance

Complementing your Health and Safety toolkit, the Risk Assessment Generator is an essential resource designed to simplify compliance. Instantly produce detailed Risk Assessments tailored to your business’s specific needs, ensuring you meet UK Health and Safety standards with ease.

This tool, also developed in collaboration with Dawn AI, underscores our dedication to providing practical, user-friendly solutions for complex compliance challenges. Access the Risk Assessment Generator and take a significant step towards safeguarding your workplace and adhering to legal requirements effortlessly.

Also produced for

Find Media Contacts

Amplify Your Reach

Elevate your promotional efforts with our Find Media Contacts tool. Simply paste a link or describe your promotional content, and instantly receive a curated list of media contacts interested in your story. This tool streamlines the process of identifying relevant journalists and outlets, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time. Maximize your media exposure and make your promotional activities more effective and targeted with this intuitive tool.

YouTube SEO

Boost Your Visibility

Maximize your company’s YouTube presence with our YouTube SEO Optimizer. Often, corporate content struggles to gain traction due to lack of optimization for YouTube’s complex algorithms. With this tool, you no longer have to settle for suboptimal titles, descriptions, and thumbnails. Simply paste your video script or an auto-generated transcript, and the YouTube SEO Optimizer will craft all these elements for you, ensuring they are finely tuned to enhance your video’s discoverability. Elevate your content from overlooked to top-viewed with strategic optimization designed to engage and expand your audience.

CV Optimiser

A first step to Professional Success

Not everyone runs a business, so the CV Optimiser stands as a crucial ally for job seekers. This innovative tool invites you to upload your CV and receive an enhanced version in return, meticulously refined for clarity, professionalism, and compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Designed to navigate the competitive job market, the CV Optimizer ensures your resume stands out to recruiters and hiring managers, aligning perfectly with industry standards and expectations. Embrace the CV Optimiser for a polished, impactful CV that secures your next opportunity in the evolving job landscape, potentially marking your last job change before AI reshapes the future of work.

Collaborate on a GPT

Hi, I’m Andy Surtees, CEO of Tees Valley AI. I’ve been at the forefront of developing these GPT models, and now, I’m extending an invitation to collaborate with you. If you possess deep insights into a specific business sector, together, we can harness your expertise and my AI skills to create a GPT that not only advances your industry but also offers you a share in the profits generated through the GPT store.

Simply click to complete a brief form, and I’ll reach out to discuss how we can make this exciting venture a reality.